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BETA Finnish-English translation for: horse-fly
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Dictionary Finnish English: horse fly

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

NOUN   a horse fly | horse flies
SYNO   cleg | clegg | horse fly | horsefly
Unverified paarma {noun}horse-fly
Partial Matches
entom. T
entom. T
kärpänen {noun}
Unverified paarma {noun}deer fly
entom. kärpäsentoukka {noun}fly larva
hyttysverkko {noun} [ikkunassa]fly screen
entom. T
sienet T
teks. heittosukkula {noun} [kudonta]fly shuttle [weaving]
liputtaato fly a flag
lentokyky {noun}ability to fly
teks. sukkulanheittolaite {noun} [kudonta]fly shuttle device [weaving]
asevoi. ilmailu lentokieltoalue {noun}no-fly zone <NFZ>
hevos. zool. T
hevonen {noun}
pyykkiteline {noun}clothes horse
hevos. hevosrotu {noun}horse breed
hevos. hevoskasvatus {noun}horse breeding
geogr. hepoasteet {noun}horse latitudes
hevos. ratsuhevonen {noun}riding horse
hist. myt. Troijan puuhevonen {noun}Trojan Horse
hevos. zool. T
haflinger {noun}
hevos. zool. T
iktyo. T
leikkik. keinuhevonen {noun}hobby-horse [hobbyhorse]
leikkik. keinuhevonen {noun}rocking horse [rockinghorse]
tieto. Troijan puuhevonen {noun}Trojan horse [malicious software]
yksikkö hevosvoima {noun} <hv>horse power <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.>
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