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Dictionary Finnish English: [the]

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muualle {adv}elsewhere [indicating the direction]
Haloo?Hello? [greeting used when answering the telephone]
tietoli. Puhelimessa.Speaking. [on the phone]
lopuksi {adv}ultimately [indicating the last item]
geogr. Baltia {noun}(the) Baltic [the Baltic States]
panimo keskari {noun} [arki.] [keskiolut][beer having the alcoholic content between 2.8%–4.7% of its volume]
panimo keskiolut {noun}[beer having the alcoholic content between 2.8%–4.7% of its volume]
sisu {noun}[strength of will in the face of adversity; grit; perseverance; regarded as an integral part of Finnish culture]
vaate leukalappu {noun} [pikkulapsen kaulalle ruokailun ajaksi]bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]
vaate ruokalappu {noun} [pikkulapselle kaulaan ruokailun ajaksi]bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]
boikotointi {noun}boycott [the act of boycotting]
geogr. Brazzaville {noun} [Kongon tasavallan pääkaupunki]Brazzaville [capital of the Republic of the Congo]
geogr. Kalifornia {noun}California <CA, Calif.> [The Golden State]
esot. tähdi. Krapu {noun} [lat. Cancer] <Cnc> <♋> [tähdistö; eläinradan merkki]Cancer <♋> [constellation; sign of the zodiac; person born under this sign]
yksikkö karaatti {noun} <ka> [kultaseoksen kultapitoisuuden yksikkö]carat <C, ct> [measure of the purity of gold]
mus. lista {noun}chart [the charts]
löytäminen {noun}discovery [the act of discovering something]
geogr. Doha {noun} [Qatarin pääkaupunki]Doha [capital city of the state of Qatar]
meteo. halla {noun}frost [below-freezing temperature that occurs during the growing season]
suukapula {noun}gag [for the mouth]
esot. tähdi. Kaksoset {noun} [lat. Gemini] <Gem> <♊> [tähdistö; eläinradan merkki]Gemini <♊> [constellation, sign of the zodiac]
gootti {noun} [erään alakulttuurin jäsen]goth [coll.] [member of the goth subculture]
geogr. Gotlanti {noun}Gotland [largest island of the Baltic Sea]
vesikouru {noun}gutter [beneath the edge of a roof]
usk. öylätti {noun}host [often: the Host]
inhimillisyys {noun}humanness [the quality of being human]
yksikkö karaatti {noun} <ka> [kultaseoksen kultapitoisuuden yksikkö]karat <K, kt> [Am.] [measure of the purity of gold]
zool. kili {noun}kid [of the goat]
aakkonen {noun}letter [of the alphabet]
myt. kohtalottaret {noun}Moerae [the Fates]
myt. moirat {noun} [kohtalottaret]Moerae [the Fates]
myt. kohtalottaret {noun}Moirai [the Fates]
myt. moirat {noun} [kohtalottaret]Moirai [the Fates]
aatelissääty {noun}nobility [as an estate of the realm]
avaaminen {noun}opening [the action of opening]
urheilu vammaisurheilu {sg}parasports {pl} [sports for the disabled]
ikätoveri {noun}peer [person of the same age]
usk. pneumatologia {noun} [oppia Pyhästä Hengestä]pneumatology [doctrine of the Holy Spirit]
kiel. saame {noun} [saamelaiskielet kokonaisuutena]Sami [any of the languages of the Sami people]
vuodenaika {noun}season [of the year]
naut. haaksirikko {noun}shipwreck [the event]
naut. haveri {noun}shipwreck [the event]
sohjo {noun}sludge [mass of small pieces of ice on the surface of a body of water]
terrori {noun}terror [the use of extreme fear]
keskustelunaihe {noun}topic [of (the) conversation]
psyk. triskaidekafobia {noun}triskaidekaphobia [irrational fear of the number 13]
leskirivi {noun}widow [typography, single line of type at the top of page]
2 Words: Nouns
liputuspäivä {noun}flag day [any of the officially designated days when flags must be flown]
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Frans Joosefin maa {noun}Franz Josef Land [archipelago in the Arctic Ocean]
5+ Words: Others
sanonta Parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
oikeust. lain nimessä {adv}in the name of the law
Fiction (Literature and Film)
comics RadioTV F Tahvo Soranen [Kiviset ja Soraset]Barney Rubble [The Flintstones]
kirj. F Harry Potter ja viisasten kiviHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Joanne K. Rowling] [in the USA]
elok. kirj. F Matka maan keskipisteeseen [Jules Verne]Journey to the Center of the Earth [novel: Jules Verne, film: Eric Brevig] [2008]
elok. F Särkyneiden haaveiden kaupunkiThe Bad and the Beautiful [Vincente Minnelli]
elok. F Piispan vaimoThe Bishop's Wife [also: Cary and the Bishop's Wife] [Henry Koster]
kirj. F Sieppari ruispellossaThe Catcher in the Rye [J. D. Salinger]
kirj. F Keltin uni [Mario Vargas Llosa]The Dream of the Celt
elok. kirj. F Linnunradan käsikirja liftareilleThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [Douglas Adams]
kirj. F Kamelianainen [Alexandre Dumas nuorempi]The Lady of the Camellias
elok. kirj. F Taru sormusten herrastaThe Lord of the Rings [J. R. R. Tolkien]
comics F Jumaltenrannan nousu ja tuhoThe Mansions of the Gods
kirj. F Oopperan kummitus [Gaston Leroux]The Phantom of the Opera
kirj. F Maailmanlopun ravintolaThe Restaurant at the End of the Universe [Douglas Adams]
elok. kirj. F UhrilampaatThe Silence of the Lambs [novel: Thomas Harris; film: Jonathan Demme]
elok. F Tuuli ja leijonaThe Wind and the Lion [John Milius]
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