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Dictionary Finnish English: [in]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

toiveikkaasti {adv}hopefully [in a hopeful manner]
siellä {adv}there [in a distant, indeterminate place]
sisu {noun}[strength of will in the face of adversity; grit; perseverance; regarded as an integral part of Finnish culture]
kalsarikännit {pl}[to get drunk in one's underwear at home]
vaate asuste {noun}accessory [in fashion]
pelit urheilu ässä {noun} [korttipeli, tennis; myös puhe.: onnistuja]ace [in card games, in tennis and golf; also coll.: expert]
gastr. baaritiski {noun}bar [in a pub etc.]
hengenveto {noun}breath [single act of breathing in or out]
henkäys {noun}breath [single act of breathing in or out]
kauppa vaihtoraha {noun}change [money returned in a purchase transaction]
geogr. Tšernihiv {noun}Chernihiv [also: Chernigov] [city in northern Ukraine]
elektr. hehkulanka {noun}filament [in a light bulb]
geogr. Finnmarkin lääni {noun}Finnmark [county in North Norway]
teks. vaate lankajuoksu {noun}float [in knitting, in weaving]
teks. vaate langanjuoksu {noun}float [in knitting]
teks. Unverified nasta {noun} [kudenasta, loiminasta; lankajuoksu kudonnassa]float [in weaving]
anat. tukka {noun}hair [in its entirety]
päävoitto {noun}jackpot [in a lottery]
teks. vaate silmäpako {noun}ladder [Br.] [in knits]
geogr. kallionkieleke {noun}ledge [in rocks]
vastaehdokas {noun}opponent [in an election]
peilikuva {noun}reflection [in a mirror]
teks. vaate silmäpako {noun}run [in knits]
istumapaikka {noun}seat [in a train, theatre, etc.]
tähdi. täysvarjo {noun}umbra [in eclipse]
geogr. Zaporižžja {noun}Zaporizhzhia [city in Ukraine]
geogr. Zaporižžja {noun}Zaporozhye [Zaporizhzhia] [city in Ukraine]
2 Words: Others
lainkaan {adv}at all [in negative contexts]
2 Words: Nouns
kiel. aksenttimerkki {noun}accent (mark) [in lettering, not spoken language]
kiel. suomenruotsi {noun} [murre]Finland Swedish [group of Swedish dialects spoken in Finland]
kiel. partisiipin preesens {noun}present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc]
tähdi. täysvarjo {noun}umbral shadow [in eclipse]
3 Words: Others
ynnä muuta sellaista {adv} <yms.>and so on <etc., ASO> [not: "a.s.o."; "ASO" in texting]
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Frans Joosefin maa {noun}Franz Josef Land [archipelago in the Arctic Ocean]
5+ Words: Others
sanonta Parempi pyy pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
kirj. F Harry Potter ja viisasten kiviHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Joanne K. Rowling] [in the USA]
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