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Dictionary Finnish English: [esp]

Translation 1 - 50 of 86  >>

öisin {adv}nights [esp. Am.] [at night]
avoinna {adv}open [not closed, esp. of buildings, institutions, shops]
sosiaalinen {adj}social [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure]
hemmoteltu {adj} {past-p}spoiled [esp. child]
akklimatisaatio {noun}acclimation [esp. Am.]
lää apnea {noun}apnoea [esp. Br.]
rake. jalkalista {noun}baseboard [esp. Am.] [mopboard]
joulukuusenpallo {noun}bauble [esp. Br.] [Christmas tree ball]
vaate leukalappu {noun} [pikkulapsen kaulalle ruokailun ajaksi]bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]
vaate ruokalappu {noun} [pikkulapselle kaulaan ruokailun ajaksi]bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)]
peppu {noun}bottom [esp. Br.] [buttocks]
mus. katusoittaja {noun}busker [esp. Br.] [musician]
karuselli {noun}carousel [esp. Am. and Can., except for baggage]
elokuvateatteri {noun}cinema [esp. Br.]
bussi {noun}coach [esp. Br.]
autot. kuljetus linja-auto {noun}coach [esp. Br.]
mat. harppi {sg}compasses {pl} [esp. Br.] [rare elsewhere for: compass {sg}] [instrument for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]
kuppi {noun}cup [esp. without handle]
mus. kolmaskymmeneskahdesosanuotti {noun}demisemiquaver [esp. Br.]
vaate haalarihousut {pl}dungarees {pl} [esp. Br.]
gastr. pääruoka {noun}entree [esp. Am.] [main course]
asunto {noun}flat [esp. Br.]
glamour {noun}glamour [esp. Br.]
autot. käsijarru {noun}handbrake [esp. Br.]
loma {noun}holiday [esp. Br.]
ammatit jalokivikauppias {noun}jeweller [esp. Br.]
ilmailu kerosiini {noun}kerosene [esp. Am.]
eläinl. lää zool. valkosolu {noun}leucocyte [esp. Br.]
tohelo {noun} [puhe.] [halv.]lummox [esp. Am.] [coll.]
bot. T
koulutus arvosana {noun}mark [esp. Br.]
zool. T
elok. leffa {noun} [arki.]movie [esp. Am.]
enol. tiede enologia {noun}oenology [esp. Br.]
enol. tiede viinitiede {noun}oenology [esp. Br.]
oikeust. rikkomus {noun}offence [esp. Br.]
zool. T
gastr. kaalisalaatti {noun}slaw [esp. Am. or Can. for: coleslaw]
urheilu futis {noun} [puhe.]soccer [esp. Am.]
urheilu jalkapallo {noun}soccer [esp. Am.]
anat. kupu {noun} [leikillinen]stomach [esp. full or round]
ammatit eläinl. eläinlääkäri {noun}vet [esp. Br.]
vaate tuulitakki {noun}windcheater [esp. Br.]
enol. viinitila {noun}winery [esp. Am.]
arkipäivä {noun}workday [esp. Am.]
työpäivä {noun}workday [esp. Am.]
2 Words: Others
jäänharmaa {adj}ice-grey [esp. Br.]
2 Words: Nouns
elok. toimintaelokuva {noun}action movie [esp. Am.]
ammatit arkk. rakennuspiirtäjä {noun}architectural draughtsman [esp. Br.]
vaate uimapuku {noun}bathing suit [esp. Am.]
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