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Dictionary Finnish English: [coll]

Translation 1 - 50 of 223  >>

mahtava {adj} [puhe.]awesome [Am.] [coll.]
Hei hei! [puhe.]Bye! [coll.]
Hei sitten! [puhe.]Bye! [coll.]
läski {adj} {noun} [halv.]fat [coll.] [pej.]
jättimäinen {adj}humongous [Am.] [coll.]
krapulainen {adj}hungover [coll.]
hyödyllinen {adj}nifty [coll.]
näppärä {adj} [puhe.]nifty [coll.]
kyyläävä {adj} [halv.]nosy [coll.]
utelias {adj}nosy [coll.]
yläluokkainen {adj}posh [coll.]
aika {adv}pretty [coll.]
melko {adv}pretty [coll.]
pelottava {adj}scary [coll.]
tyylitön {adj}tacky [coll.] [showy]
pikkuriikkinen {adj}teeny [coll.]
trendikäs {adj}trendy [coll.]
vegetaarinen {adj}veggie [coll.]
Vautsi! [arki.]Wow! [coll.]
hutiloidato botch [coll.]
röyhtäistäto burp [coll.]
pälpättääto gab [coll.]
internet googlata [arki.]to google [coll.]
internet googlettaa [arki.]to google [coll.]
liftata [arki.]to hitch [coll.] [hitch-hike]
kailottaa [arki.]to holler [coll.]
torkkuato snooze [coll.]
pelit urheilu ässä {noun} [korttipeli, tennis; myös puhe.: onnistuja]ace [in card games, in tennis and golf; also coll.: expert]
ammatit mainosmies {noun}adman [coll.]
autot. kuljetus rekka-auto {noun}artic [Br.] [coll.]
autot. bemari {noun} [puhe.]Beamer [coll.]
autot. bemari {noun} [puhe.]Beemer [coll.]
napa {noun}bellybutton [coll.]
napamies {noun} [arki.]bigwig [coll.]
moottoripyöräilijä {noun}biker [coll.]
autot. bemari {noun} [puhe.]bimmer [Am.] [coll.]
urheilu sulkapallo {noun} [pallo]birdie [Am.] [coll.]
orn. T
ilmailu ilmalaiva {noun} [runko jäykistämätön]blimp [coll.] [non-rigid airship]
seksipommi {noun} [leik.]bombshell [coll.] [very attractive woman]
juopottelu {noun}boozing [coll.]
hutilus {noun}botcher [coll.]
etn. britti {noun}Brit [coll.]
sateenvarjo {noun}brolly [Br.] [coll.]
iktyo. T
orn. T
röyhtäisy {noun}burp [coll.]
röyhtäys {noun}burp [coll.]
anat. peffa {noun} [arki.]butt [Am.] [coll.] [buttocks]
anat. pehva {noun} [arki.]butt [Am.] [coll.] [buttocks]
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