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Dictionary Finnish English: [and]

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

odottamaton {adj}abrupt [sudden and unexpected]
Unverified massiivinen {adj}massive [large and heavy, bulky]
ne {pron}they [for animal and objects]
pelit urheilu ässä {noun} [korttipeli, tennis; myös puhe.: onnistuja]ace [in card games, in tennis and golf; also coll.: expert]
karuselli {noun}carousel [esp. Am. and Can., except for baggage]
naut. nousuvesi {noun}flow [ebb and flow]
geogr. Nukuʻalofa {noun} [Tongan saaristovaltion pääkaupunki]Nukuʻalofa [capital and largest city of Tonga]
vaate haalarihousut {pl}overalls {pl} [one pair] [with bib and braces]
nykyhetki {noun}present [here and now]
kiel. preesens {noun}present [here and now] [also ling.]
ahdistelija {noun}stalker [person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention]
tiede tilasto. tilastotiede {sg}statistics {pl} [science that collects and interprets numerical data] [treated as sg.] <stats>
kiel. synonyymisanakirja {noun}thesaurus [publication that provides synonyms, and often antonyms]
2 Words
mineral. yksikkö karaatti {noun} <ka> [jalokivien painoyksikkö, 200 mg](metric) carat <CD> [unit of mass of gemstones and pearls; approx. 200 mg]
geogr. Aataminsilta {noun} [särkkäjono Intian ja Sri Lankan välillä]Adam's Bridge [chain of limestone shoals between India and Sri Lanka]
urheilu kolmiloikka {noun}triple jump [track and field event]
3 Words
gastr. graavilohi {noun}(dry) cured salmon [with salt, sugar and dill]
gastr. kraavilohi {noun}(dry) cured salmon [with salt, sugar and dill]
geogr. hist. kirj. Hekataios Miletoslainen {noun}Hecataeus of Miletus [ancient Greek historian and geographer]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
elok. F Piispan vaimoThe Bishop's Wife [also: Cary and the Bishop's Wife] [Henry Koster]
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