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Dictionary Finnish English: [a]

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kiireinen {adj}busy [with a lot to do]
dystooppinen {adj}dystopian [relating to a dystopia]
toiveikkaasti {adv}hopefully [in a hopeful manner]
siellä {adv}there [in a distant, indeterminate place]
to draw [with a pencil etc.]
kylpeäto bathe [take a bath]
Unverified syyllistyäto commit [a crime]
pehmentääto cushion sth. [a blow, a shock]
päivätäto date sth. [to mark e.g. a check with a date]
valok. kehittääto develop [a film]
viivoittaato rule [lines, with a ruler]
tuoksuato smell [give off a good smell]
murista [koira]to snarl [of a dog]
miljoonakaupunki {noun}[city with a population of one million or more]
adoptio {noun}adoption [of a child]
ammatit Unverified työhakemus {sg}application [for a job]
gastr. baaritiski {noun}bar [in a pub etc.]
ammatit talonmies {noun}caretaker [person employed to look after a building]
kauppa vaihtoraha {noun}change [money returned in a purchase transaction]
oikeust. pol. kansalaisuus {noun}citizenship [status of a citizen]
lähtö {noun}departure [on a journey]
autot. autokuski {noun} [puhe.]driver [of a car]
tähkä {noun}ear [of a grain plant]
valok. valotus {noun}exposure [of a picture]
neulansilmä {noun}eye [of a needle]
elektr. hehkulanka {noun}filament [in a light bulb]
vaate leninki {noun}frock [Br.] [a woman's or girl's dress]
esot. kaksonen {noun}Gemini [a person born under this sign]
etn. hist. germaani {noun}German [member of a Germanic tribe]
vesikouru {noun}gutter [beneath the edge of a roof]
anat. hius {noun}hair [a single hair]
hitti {noun} [arki.]hit [success of a book, song, movie, any product, etc.]
geogr. sisämaa {noun}interior [of a country]
päävoitto {noun}jackpot [in a lottery]
poreallas {noun}jacuzzi [used as a generic term for Jacuzzi®]
mat. kateetti {noun}leg [of a right-angled triangle]
matkailu etappi {noun}leg [stage of a journey]
hist. kantotuoli {noun}litter [for carrying a person]
lukko {noun}lock [on a door, gun]
machomies {noun}macho [coll.] [a macho man]
metsät. neulanen {noun}needle [long, pointed leaf of a conifer tree]
kaupunki kaupunginosa {noun}neighborhood [Am.] [of a city or town]
kaupunki kaupunginosa {noun}neighbourhood [Br.] [of a city or town]
edistys {noun}progress [advancement to a higher or more developed state]
vuosineljännes {noun}quarter [of a year]
Unverified lähdeviite {noun}reference [to a source]
peilikuva {noun}reflection [in a mirror]
arkk. rake. katonharja {noun}ridge [of a roof]
istumapaikka {noun}seat [in a train, theatre, etc.]
sohjo {noun}sludge [mass of small pieces of ice on the surface of a body of water]
ratkaisu {noun}solution [also: to sth., e.g. a problem]
matkailu etappi {noun}stage [of a journey]
pol. alamainen {noun}subject [of a monarch]
aseet etälamautin {noun}taser [used as a generic term]
soihtu {noun}torch [stick with a flame on one end]
mat. lakipiste {noun}vertex [of a parabola]
sydänlanka {noun}wick [of a candle]
metsät. puulaji {noun}wood [from a particular species]
2 Words: Others
äsken {adv}just (now) [a moment ago]
2 Words: Nouns
uimakoppi {noun}bathing hut [on a beach]
hist. suurherttua {noun}grand duke [as a title: Grand Duke]
3 Words: Others
ynnä muuta sellaista {adv} <yms.>and so on <etc., ASO> [not: "a.s.o."; "ASO" in texting]
3 Words: Nouns
oikeust. soveltamisala {noun}scope of application [e.g. scope of a warranty]
4 Words: Nouns
myt. aarnivalkea {noun}will-o'-the-wisp [burning over a hidden treasure]
5+ Words: Others
sanan Hädässä ystävä tunnetaan.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
sanan Yksi kuva kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa.A picture is worth a thousand words.
kepillä ja porkkanalla {adv} [idiomi]with a carrot and a stick [coll.] [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
ostaa sika säkissä [idiom]to buy a pig in a poke [idiom]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
kirj. F Nalle PuhWinnie-the-Pooh [A. A. Milne]
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